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Improved Visibility during Colonoscopy procedure

EndoPass is an endoscopic device that can be easily attached to the distal end of the flexible tube of the endoscope. The tubular member of the device comprises of a number of antennas and butterfly wings with ribs spread over the butterfly wings.


The butterfly wings have wide flexible flares and deflect in opposite direction to the direction of distal tip movement of the colonoscope tube, during colonoscope insertion and withdrawal. The butterfly wings have wide fenestrations, whereas the antenna situated closer to the tip of the colonoscope, have narrow slits.


The external projecting elements open the body lumen radially and stretch out the proximal colonic folds during colonoscopy which enhances the effective visualisation and examination of the proximal area behind the colon folds to identify presence of adenoma or polyps within a minimum period. These external projecting elements also provide some traction to maintain position during loop reduction, to decrease slippage and to maintain stability during instrumentation.


  • Flexible antennas and butterfly wing design allow visualisation behind colon folds. Layers of flexible butterfly wing and antenna gently stretch and flatten folds during withdrawal for a clear view, thereby minimising the rate of missing polyps and adenomas.

  • Unique design-provides scope centring and control of the endoscope during withdrawal and tissue resection.

  • User friendly.

  • Cost effective.

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